Project Components
Project III. Its stage consists of four components:
Legal and Institutional Framework
Under Component A, the basic laws on police and gendarmerie will be reviewed and the curriculum of the Gendarmerie and the Coast Guard Academy will be improved in line with the principles of civil / democratic oversight and accountability principles provided by the EU as well as with international standards and best practices. In addition, under this component, the performance evaluation system of the Ministry of Interior will be strengthened and the necessary background work will be carried out for the establishment of a National Crime Prevention Office. A National Strategy on Crime Prevention and Security Plans at national level as well as a five-year organizational strategy will be developed for the oversight of internal security forces in Turkey.
A.1. Review of the police and gendarmerie basic laws
A.1.1. Desk reviews of the relevant laws
A.1.2. Organise two-day workshops
A.1.3. Develop legal gap/compliance analysis report
A.2. Improvement of the performance evaluation system
A.2.1. Desk review of best practices in EU countries
A.2.2. Technical visit to a selected EU countries
A.2.3. Develop a comparative assessment report
A.2.4. Develop a gap analysis report
A.2.5. Draft a comprehensive recommendations report
A.2.6. Organise a workshop to review reports
A.3. Draft a legal framework for “National Crime Prevention Office”
A.3.1. Organise consultation meetings in Ankara (5*2 days) on LPSC and NCPO
A.3.2. Develop recommendations for legal framework for NCPO
A.3.3. Workshops to share the recommendations (5*2 days)
A.3.4. Technical visit to a selected EU countries
A.3.5. Finalize the recommendations for draft legal framework a NCPO
A.4. Development of a National Strategy on Crime Prevention and Security Plans
A.4.1. Develop a draft strategy on crime prevention and civilian oversight
A.4.2. Workshops to discuss the draft strategy (5*2 days)
A.4.3. Finalise the strategy and submit to Ministry of Interior (MoI)
A.5. Technical and Capacity Development Support to the New Gendarmerie and Coast Guard Academy
A.5.1. Desk review of other country experiences of ISF Academies
A.5.2. Two technical visits to selected EU countries
A.5.3. Comparative assessment report on ISF academies in EU Countries
A.5.4. Analyse the training system
A.5.5. Consultative meetings in Ankara (5*2 days)
A.5.6. Establishment of a Curriculum Development Committee (CDC)
A.5.7. Review of the GCGA curriculum
A.5.7.1. Consultative meetings on GCGA Curriculum (10*2Days)
A.5.7.2. Draft module and organise a test training
A.5.7.3. Finalise module and submit it to GCGA for approval and adoption
A.5.7.4. Organise training programs for the ones will practice the module (5*1week)
A.5.8. Experience sharing meetings in Ankara (2*1day)
A.5.9. Develop a training management system
A.5.9.1. Draft a proposal on training management system
A.5.9.2. Consultative meetings in Ankara (5*2days)
A.5.9.3. Finalise the proposal on training management system
A.6. Five-years organizational strategy
A.6.1. Develop a draft five-years organisational strategy
A.6.2. Workshops to discuss the draft strategy (2*2days)
A.6.3. Finalise the strategy and submit to MoI
Parliamentary Oversight
Phase III of the Project will support the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (GNAT) in order to redefine the specific oversight mechanisms of the internal security forces. Phase II of the Project analysed different means of parliamentary oversight of internal security forces. However, there is now a need to review the requirements arising from the changes brought on by the adoption of the “Presidential System of Government” in 2019. Thus, under this Component, a strategy will be developed for the GNAT for effective oversight of internal security forces and strategic outlook on crime prevention and security plans.
B.1. Update of the assessment of Parliamentary oversight
B.1.1. Consultative meetings in Ankara (2*2days)
B.1.2. Draft a detailed assessment and policy recommendations report
B.1.3. Workshops in Ankara to discuss the recommendations (2*2days)
B.1.4. Finalise the recommendations report and submit to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (GNAT)
B.2. Preparation a strategy proposing amendments or actions
B.2.1. Workshops to discuss the organisational structure of parliamentary commissions (4*2days)
B.2.2. Provide recommendations based on the findings of the workshops
B.2.3. Technical training programs on parliamentary oversight mechanisms (3*2days)
B.2.4. Develop strategy for an improved parliamentary oversight of ISFs
Scaling Up Pilot Security Governance Structures
Under Component C, the Local Prevention and Security Boards (LPSB) established in 9 pilots during Phases I and II of the Project, will be scaled up and institutionalized. In this context, 10 new Boards will be established during the Phase III and a total of 19 Local Boards will be activated along with those already established in the previous Phases. The Boards, serving as structures specifically designed for Turkey to muster expectations and contributions of the civil society on crime prevention, strengthen institutional coordination and increase resource efficiency, will develop and implement a 3-year strategic plan in order to prevent local crimes and misdemeanours.
C.1 Preparation of a strategy and implementation plan for Local Prevention and Security Boards
C.1.1. Analyse the functioning of LPSBs in pilot districts/provinces
C.1.2. Workshops to share the findings of the analysis report (5*2days)
C.1.3. Develop a strategy paper for10 new LPSBs
C.2. Establishment of Local Prevention and Security Boards across the country
C.2.1. Define the criteria for the selection of the 10 provinces and/or districts
C.2.2. Define the criteria for the selection of members of the LPSBs
C.2.3. Conduct a detailed study and develop a road map for implementation
C.2.3.1. Conduct semi-structured meetings in pilot districts/provinces
C.2.3.2. Workshops in each selected pilot districts/provinces (10*2days)
C.2.3.3. Develop road maps for LPSBs in 10 selected pilot districts/provinces
C.2.4. Technical support to the 10 LPSBs
C.2.4.1. Consultative meetings in each 10 districts/provinces (3*2days)
C.2.4.2. Best practices workshops in 10 pilot districts/provinces (10*2days)
C.2.4.3. Experience and knowledge-sharing workshops (10*1day)
C.2.4.4. Technical visit to a selected EU country
C.2.4.5. Publish the Local Security Action Plans
Individual and Institutional Capacity
Component D aims to increase the awareness of the civil authorities (district governors and governors/deputy governors) and citizens about the concept of citizen-centric security services and civil and democratic oversight of the implementation of Local Prevention and Security Boards (LPSBs) in Turkey. Based on the results of the previous phases of the Project, large-scale capacity building programs will be implemented to enhance the capacities of governors, deputy governors and district governors in order to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the vision of civil and democratic oversight of the LPSB’s and citizen-oriented security services.
D.1. Preparation, and conduct of a training module for Local Prevention and Security Boards (LPSBs)
D.1.1. Develop training modules on crime prevention
D.1.2. Deliver trainings on crime prevention
D.2. Development and periodical implementation of awareness raising programs
D.2.1. Conduct an opinion poll at the national level
D.2.2. Develop training modules targeting civil society and media
D.2.3. Deliver trainings to civil society and media
D.2.4. Develop the implementation strategy of the awareness raising programs
D.3. Evaluation and update of training programs
D.3.1. Review the training curriculum of District Governors
D.3.2. Workshops to identify the bottlenecks and positive aspects of the training curriculum (3*2days)
D.3.3. Develop a needs assessment and evaluation report and recommendations

This project is funded by the European Union. The contents of this website is the sole responsibility of UNDP Turkey and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.